Upgrade of HVAC Task

The Truman Little White House has received a much needed HVAC upgrade, all made possible by the generous contributions of our supporters. With improved climate control, we’re preserving artifacts, enhancing visitor comfort and continuing to share the legacy of President Truman. Your support makes a difference.

August 2020 - Image shows underneath the house with debris and HVAC removal underway.
August 2020 - Image shows multiple high-pressure AC lines running from the new ductwork under the house, replacing old ductwork and high- pressure lines.
August 2020 - Image shows multiple high-pressure AC lines running from the new ductwork under the house, replacing old ductwork and high- pressure lines.
October 2020 - Image shows ductwork in the attic being wrapped with new insulation.
October 2020 - Image shows ductwork in the attic being wrapped with new insulation.
December 2020 - Image shows ductwork in the attic that has been replaced and sealed. High-pressure return line has not been replaced as of this reporting date.
ductwork in attic 2
ductwork in attic 2
December 2020 - Image shows ductwork in the attic that has been replaced and sealed. High-pressure return line has not been replaced as of this reporting date.
December 2020 - Image shows angled return vent, replacing straight vent.